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[The Blog] @PDCPC

Holy Week Devotional Day 2

Posted by Kathy Aposhian on

Jesus Anointed at BethanyJohn 12:1-11  (NIV) 12 Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at...

Easter with Sprouts Children's Ministry

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It's Easter at PDCPC and we have lots to celebrate! We’ve got all kinds of fun planned for your kids, and we hope they can come be a part of the fun!   PICK YOUR WORSHIP SERVICE: This year, we will be having 2 services in person in addition to both of those being live-streamed. Our...

Holy Week Devotional Day 1: Palm Sunday

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Today we read about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. As you read these passages, take a moment to reflect that God has had a plan and a purpose from the beginning. This Psalm was written centuries before Jesus entered Jerusalem, but what do you notice? See the praises of the...

Holy Week 2021

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Holy Week 2021 is here, and we are thrilled to be able to offer in-person and online gatherings this year! We ask that, as always, you continue to prioritize the health and safety of others who are coming to worship, and that you stay home if you have symptoms of illness. We also ask that you...

Missions Week 2021: Friday

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EVANGELICAL MISSION FOR ASSISTANCE TO FISHERMAN (EMAF)- MARCIO GARCIAThe remote, water-accessed villages scattered along Brazil’s coastline and up the Amazon River are home to thousands of fishermen and their families. The water sustains them—but just barely. And their isolated...

Missions Week 2021: Thursday

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HORIZONS INTERNATIONAL – GEORGES HOUSSNEY Horizons International is a charity and community development organization that benefits orphans, widows, and impoverished communities, particularly in the Muslim world. Believing that spiritual issues are at the core of human suffering, their...

Missions Week 2021: Wednesday

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MMS AVIATION – CHUCK EGBERT Through the centuries Christian missionaries have labored to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to "the uttermost parts of the earth." In carrying God's Word to remote peoples, weeks and possibly months of slow, often dangerous, travel was undertaken. Not until...

Missions Week 2021: Tuesday

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MEDSEND – MORGAN BOARDMAN MedSend makes it possible for highly qualified and dedicated Christian healthcare professionals to bring healthcare – and the good news of Jesus’ love – to people in need around the world. MedSend healthcare professionals staff and run...

Missions Week 2021: Monday

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OUR CALL MISSIONS – AN INTERVIEW WITH KEITH AND LISA COGGINSKeith and Lisa have been serving in Uganda since 2002. They currently reside in Gulu (in the northern region go Uganda). The main focus of their work is to develop a Biblical worldview in the next generation of Children in Africa...