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Africa Mission Partners

Africa Inland Mission- AIM-AIR

AIM AIR supports the broad work of missions and the Church in distant regions of Africa. In an area representing 8 countries and over 8 million square kilometers, spanning the homelands of over 250 million people, AIM AIR is a vehicle to help take the Great Commission to the ends of the earth by supporting those who work in church planting, evangelism, community development, medical missions, children’s education, pastoral training, emergency relief, Bible translation, short-term missions and more. 

MMS Aviation- Chuck & Cathy Egbert

Through the centuries Christian missionaries have labored to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to "the uttermost parts of the earth." In carrying God's Word to remote peoples, weeks and possibly months of slow, often dangerous, travel was undertaken. Not until recent time has a practical solution to the problem of distance and geographic barriers been available.

Today, many missionaries serving in remote parts of the world rely on aircraft to transport them to and from locations where they serve, to bring them supplies while they are there, and to stand by for emergencies. By speeding the missionary to his work, many more people will hear of the love and salvation of Jesus Christ.

Chuck has been serving with MMS for the past 11 years as an aircraft mechanic as well as an instructor to students who are offered tuition free technical training. Since 1975 they have served 96 Christian organizations who use planes in support of their ministry and since that time 74 apprentice mechanics have completed service with MMS

Read the 2020 Mid-Year Update


Our Call Missions,
Shepherd's Call,
Amazima Ministries & School,
Roots to Fruits, Uganda

Keith & Lisa Coggin

Keith and Lisa have been serving in Uganda since 2002. They currently reside in Gulu (in the northern region go Uganda). The main focus of their work is to develop a Biblical worldview in the next generation of Children in Africa through a Christ-centered Educational Curriculum used in conventional schools as well as non-formal Village Learning Centers. Teachers and Educators are trained to make disciples in this and the next generation. They have a working model school in Gulu called Sanctuary of Grace Christian Academy.