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[The Blog] @PDCPC - Navigating Grief & Loss

Navigating Grief & Loss

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Navigating Grief & Loss: Kim’s Story

"I attended my first GriefShare session six days after my husband passed away.  It provided me with a safe place to share my raw emotions without judgement from anyone.  Everyone in that room had experienced a loss and we bonded as we took the risk of exposing our most painful feelings.  One of the most important things I learned was that everyone experiences grief differently and however you are experiencing it is OK.  So many well-meaning friends and family members try to tell us how we “should be” grieving and we learned that we each grieve in our own way, on our own timeline and while they were trying to help us - they really didn’t know what to say or do and were uncomfortable also.

Another huge impact on my life was it really led me to see that I am a child of God and that He is with me through every emotion, every rip in my shredded heart, every tear-filled moment…  That we were shown in the Bible that “Jesus wept”…  That all we have to do is learn to turn to HIM and lean on him to be our Father and travel with us through the journey of grief. 

GriefShare allowed me to explore my own feelings through the exercises in the workbook.  The quiet time I spent each day doing my “homework” helped me to face my fears and emotions and realize how God was there with me for EVERYTHING!

GriefShare is a SAFE place to share your innermost pain and fear that develops from the monumental loss of your loved one.  I had just moved to the area, had no friends, no acquaintances, no church family - no one to turn to - but GriefShare gave me a new family and new friends and we travelled the road of grief together.

If you feel alone, crazy, depressed, like you can’t go on, like your life is over, like no one can possibly know how you feel, like you don’t want to get out of bed - GriefShare provides a loving place to be embraced, people to lean on, and reminds you of the most powerful resource you will ever have… God’s love for you." -Kim Kershaw, GriefShare Leader.


Support for Loss of a Loved One

Statistically, the year following the death of a loved on is one of the most challenging in all of life. People who find themselves in this season (whether by surprise or in less-sudden circumstances) are faced with a wide variety of feelings and often find themselves feeling alone and isolated in their grief.

PDCPC GriefShare is a place where those who have suffered the loss of a loved one will find a family of caring friends to listen, a safe place to share feelings, hope on the journey through grief, and purpose beyond that grief.  

A new 13 Week Session of GriefShare begins Monday March 19th. 1:30 to 3:30 pm in the Eisenhower Library at PDCPC

To Register contact Kim Kershaw at 951-515-4002 or

There is a fee of $25 for the classes/workbook. 

Receive an encouraging email message every day for a year. These short messages will inspire you and provide practical information as you grieve the loss of your loved one. Sign up for the GriefShare daily emails.



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