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[The Blog] @PDCPC - Fill the Food Pantry!

Fill the Food Pantry!

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SERVICE ALERT: Our Food Pantry needs your help! Did you know that we have a weekly ministry on our church campus where people from the community can come to receive tangible support in challenging times?* We do, and it can’t function without you!

This Sunday, please help us fill the shelves of our pantry (we call it the Deacon's Closet). Have a look in your cupboards for any non-perishable food items, toiletries, diapers, baby food, OR, if you’re heading to the store, pick up a few extra things for those in need!  Bring the items to church on Sunday (you can look for a sign that says “Better by Sunday” when you enter the parking lot that will direct you where to drop your items off).

Help us get the word out! This is a great project to involve kids & grandkids in… take a photo & share it with us!

See you Sunday!

*Care Day happens every Tuesday morning, 8:30am - 12noon. Those in need come to the lower level of the Family Life Center where they can receive prayer, encouragement, and support as well as receive assistance meeting emergency needs related to food, clothing, supplies, transportation, etc. Deacons present at Care Day will also assist those in need with finding ongoing care and support from qualified agencies. The Deacons can authorize the giving of emergency funds, gas and food cards, and supplies from the Deacons’ Closet to help in getting them to the next step.

For any of these needs or more information, call the Church office at 760-346-8195. 


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