Deacons are volunteers chosen from the congregation to serve the church and the community by extending sympathy and meeting needs. The deacons at PDCPC do this through several ways:
Care Day
The Deacons Closet is open every Thursday morning, 9:00am - 12noon. Non- church members in need come to the lower level of the Family Life Center where they can receive prayer, encouragement, and support as well as receive assistance meeting emergency needs related to food, clothing, supplies, transportation, etc. Deacons will also assist those in need with finding ongoing care and support from qualified agencies. The Deacons can authorize the giving of emergency funds, gas and food cards, and supplies from the Deacons’ Closet to help in getting them to the next step.
Deacon’s Grant Fund- Help for Members in Need
The Deacons’ Grant Fund is an official fund established by our church for the primary purpose of helping to care for the material needs of members in the church.
When a member is in financial need, the church responds through our Deacons’ Grant Fund. A grant is a material gift from the church to help a member to pay a bill, get proper medical help, and meet other material needs.
In addition to financial aid, at times a member’s need can be met by receiving articles of clothing, furniture or food from the Deacons’ Closet. Grants are made with no obligation of repayment. However, if at some future time, part or all of the grant can be repaid, the money will be used to help others in need.
For any of these needs or more information, call the Church office at 760-346-8195.
Stephen Ministry
"Care for Hurting People"
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one, confidential, care-giving ministry that provides distinctively Christian care to those who are experiencing loss or who find themselves in a time of crisis such as death of a loved one, marital struggles, divorce, parenting, chronic illness, unemployment, and many other life challenges.
Stephen Ministers are available to serve both PDCPC members and anyone else from the local community, and are a valuable resource for people from all walks of life who are facing difficult times.
If you are hurting or going through a difficult time and need a listening, non-judgmental person with a caring heart to walk alongside you to offer support, contact Stephen Ministry Leader, Deb Smith at 303-249-5553,
Training to be a Stephen Minister
Do you enjoy helping others but feel like you don’t always know exactly what to say or how to really help? Consider Stephen Ministry training!
This practical training will help you develop the caregiving skills you already possess and will prove useful not only for your ministry in church, but also in your relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and colleagues.
The mission of Stephen Ministries is to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). The tools and resources provided by the non-profit organization align with PDCPC’s mission by:
- Equipping people to use their gifts in ministry (Ephesians 4:12)
- Helping people grow in their faith (Galatians 6:2)
- Providing Care and support for hurting people (John 15:12)
- Encouraging the congregation to grow as a caring community (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
- Reaching unchurched people with the love of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20)
Stephen Ministers learn to reflect Christ in all they do. They grow in faith, hope, and love as they see what God is doing in and through them. The Fruit of the Spirit is alive and active in them as they relate to one another, to the people they help, and in every area of their lives. Stephen Ministers are a supportive presence to people who are struggling. They are trained to help people work through their thoughts and feelings and depend on Christ, the Great Physician, to provide the hope and healing. This training and helps Stephen Ministers improve their relationships with their families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others. They learn to connect and communicate more effectively with people in small groups, Christian education classes, ministry meetings, and the community.
If you or someone you know would like to be trained as a Stephen Minister and help those in need call or email Stephen Ministry Leader, Deb Smith, 303-249-5553 (cell),
Grief Share
Losing someone you love is one of life’s most difficult experiences, and finding a safe & loving place to process the related feelings and challenges can be difficult. If you have lost a loved one, please consider attending GriefShare. GriefShare is a nondomination Christian support group, hosted by Stephen Ministers, where we:
- Watch a video put together by the staff of GriefShare featuring some of the nation’s experts on grief recovery topics such as, “Is this Normal?,” “The Challenges of Grief,” “Grief and Your Relationships,” “Why?,” “Guilt and Anger” and much more.
- Share, help and encourage one another through group discussion. This time of discussion allows the group to talk about the topic for the week and share how they are dealing with the death of their loved one.
- Spend time in personal study. A workbook, Your Journey From Mourning to Joy, enables you to do personal journaling and study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics.
If you or someone you know has lost a loved one and would like to participate in GriefShare, call or email Deb Smith, 303-249-5553,