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Lectio Divina / Zoom

Lectio Divina / Zoom

Every Tuesday, from 01/07/2025 to 05/20/2025, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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Join Kathy Aposhian Tuesdays at 11:00 am as we dive into scripture together on ZOOM.  We will be using the ancient Christian practice of Lectio Divina, which means sacred or divine reading.  Each week we will take a passage of scripture and spend time reading, reflecting, and resting in the word of God as we discuss and share how the Spirit is leading us in our time together.  


Meeting ID: 898 7816 5986

"When we engage the Scriptures for spiritual transformation, we engage not only our mind but also our heart, our emotions, our body, our curiosity, our imagination, and our will.  We will open ourselves to a deeper level of understanding and insight that grows out of and leads us deeper into our personal relationship with the One behind the text.  It is the context of relational intimacy that real life change takes place."  Ruth Haley Burton in Sacred Rhythms: Spiritual Practices that Nourish Your Soul and Transform Your Life.